When I first consulted maps - paper-only, at that time, of course - the famous Michelin 1:200000 had distinct symbols for (bigger) airports, (smaller) airfields, and glider fields. As of 2018, the generic map of openstreetmap has only a single icon to represent anything mapped with "aeroway:aerodrome" - and all of them rendered as from zoomlevel=13 - and none below.

This is really very bad. Why should I want to contribute to a system that delivers poorer info than paper maps of 50 years old?

Even worse, many active and able mappers are reluctant to update the database properly because the correct info will be so poorly rendered. Especially in France and Italy, where I had endless arguments with people removing the "aeroway=aerodrome" tag from real proper aerodromes, because they didn't want their local grass runway mapped the same as CDG Roissy airport. Even if I don't agree, I can fully understand their point of view!

What is the proper place to question this matter, and discuss schemes of improvement? Is there a discussion site for the renderer?

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