to avoid the egg and chicken problem,
I think it's best to work on both ends.

1) work on a taginfo proposal to distinguish between a large airport and 
a small one. it can be based on the proposal I mentioned earlier. or 
based on some of the existing tags your are talking about. it can also 
go through an intermediate phase that would use aeroway=aerodrome while 
adding info in secondary tags to prepare the change. this usually use 
the wiki like the link I posted and/or is generally discussed on the 
mailing tagging (but don't talk about rendering, they are allergic,
you have to focus on tags).

2) work on a rendering request: a free-to-use icon, a zoom from which it 
should be displayed and criteria. the criteria could initially include a 
list of the different existing cases like :
aerodrome=private OR club OR airstrip OR regional OR airsport
aerodrome:type=private OR club OR airstrip OR regional OR airsport
when ready, it should be put on github


Le 19. 01. 18 à 18:52, Karel Adams a écrit :
> Marc, thanks for the reply. Only the arguments (not yours! I will not 
> shoot at the messenger! at the contrary!) do not hold true. Several 
> hundred minor fields have been tagged with either "aeroway:airstrip" or 
> ("aeroway:aerodrome" AND "aerodrome:airstrip"). The first are not 
> rendered at all, the second are rendered just like CDG Roissy. 
> Ridiculous! And really demotivating for perfectionist mappers.
> I really think it is a kind of chicken/egg problem: renderers will say 
> there is no basis for differentiating as long as no more differentiated 
> info is in the database, and mappers will say it is not worth 
> differentiating the database as long as all aerodromes are mapped the 
> same - or not at all. How to break this vicious circle? Where shall 
> renderers and mappers discuss the classes of aerodromes, and how they 
> are rendered?
> KA
> On 19/01/18 17:37, marc marc wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Le 19. 01. 18 à 16:43, Karel Adams a écrit :
>>> distinct symbols for (bigger) airports,
>>> (smaller) airfields, and glider fields
>> I found this old propal.
>> I like importance=international/national/regional like for railway.
>> try to contact other and/or make a request for comment on tagging ml
>>> Is there a discussion site for the renderer?
>> but before requesting a render improvement, we need tags in the db :-)
>> also look a previous issues
>> Almost all of the discussion focuses on the fact that information is
>> missing in osm to determine the importance of an airport.
>> Regards,
>> Marc
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