
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 11:31:57PM +0200, Johannes wrote:
> Ich weiß gar nicht warum, aber ich habe in der Zeile 76 in der
> /WebServer/Server.cs ein kommentiert, da ich mich auch nicht verbinden
> konnte. Hat geholfen.
> Im CRE Podcast über IPv6 wird gesagt, dass im Parallelbetrieb es nicht
> exakt festgelegt ist, wie das ein Client dann regelt.

RFC4038  https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4038.txt

4.3.  IPv4/IPv6 Applications in a Dual-Stack Node
[ ... ]
   This transition case is the most advisable.  During the IPv6
   transition period, applications supporting both IPv4 and IPv6 should
   be able to communicate with other applications, irrespective of the
   version of the protocol stack or the application in the node.  Dual
   applications allow more interoperability between heterogeneous
   applications and nodes.

   If the source code is written in a protocol-independent way, without
   dependencies on either IPv4 or IPv6, applications will be able to
   communicate with any combination of applications and types of nodes.

   Implementations typically prefer IPv6 by default if the remote node
   and application support it.  However, if IPv6 connections fail,
   version-independent applications will automatically try IPv4 ones.
   The resolver returns a list of valid addresses for the remote node,
   and applications can iterate through all of them until connection

   Application writers should be aware of this protocol ordering, which
   is typically the default, but the applications themselves usually
   need not be [RFC3484].

Das ist von 2005 - Also 10 Jahre alt. Also wenn JOSM behauptet Dual Stack zu
können (bzw das Tracer2 plugin) dann bitte richtig. Das Tracer2 plugin kann
auch eigentlich STUMPF weiter ipv4 machen. Wir werden vermutlich noch so
30-50 Jahre einen v4 localhost an der Backe haben.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
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