When the busway was being built, I thought that the path should be tagged as a 
bridleway, because that was to be its legal status.  But after it was surfaced, 
somebody tagged it as cycleway, and I came round to the view that this was 
better, because it more accurately describes the nature of what has actually 
been built.  I remember in another discussion on tagging, somebody said "if it 
looks like a duck, call it a duck".  To me, it doesn't look like a bridleway, 
most of which are dreadful for cyclists.  So I thought the way this path was 
tagged (highway = cycleway, designation = public_bridleway) was the most 
accurate way of doing it.  I think this is Oliver's point.

Anyway, I'm not going to change what Jamie Abbot has done because I know it can 
be argued either way.  Like Maids Causeway, Maid's Causeway or Maids' Causeway, 
depending on which sign you look at :-)

For the name tag, I think Martin (Cyclestreets) added it originally as a 
descriptive, as it doesn't have a name. 

I think perhaps I'll send a note to JA mentioning these points, and noting his 
error at the St Ives end, and see what he says.  Unless anyone has any other 


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