Hi Andy,

Sure. Might have to give us a few days though before we come back to you.

Can you also look at the import guidelines as it feels very heavy handed
(almost police state) currently? I appreciate this is a big ask (I help
SotM WG and understand the pressure WGs can be under) but I wonder whether
having a more supportive process would be better and result in less work
for the DWG in the long run.

For example we could have a place that welcomes people who have third party
data. It would guide them through the process of validating the licence and
the data attributes (e.g. upload a sample for a crack team of OSM
experienced members to review the data and propose sensible tags). This
would be a much nicer experience than the current interrogation approach.
It would also prevent the filibuster type responses you get via
unstructured email.

Best regards,


On 20 March 2017 at 22:39, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20/03/2017 12:34, Rob Nickerson wrote:
>> Let's step back, allow for this data to be completed (else it will be in
>> a worse case) and find a sensible way forward for the guidelines when we
>> have time to think with a fresh mind.
> Thanks Rob.  Looking forward from here, would it be possible to document
> where we are with the "trees" import (i.e. what's been decided so far - was
> it "yes we'll import it, with these tags" or "yes we'll import it, and
> we'll sort out the tagging later" or something else?) and also if possible
> fill in some of the other gaps (e.g. how to handle changes from the source
> dataset in the future)?
> Best Regards,
> Andy
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