forgot to reply-to-all :)...

you can probably get some addresses from the OS sample page:

data in gml and csv

which has over 2K of addresses in each of their sample files. Most of
the addresses are postal, some are non-postal (which offer more
interesting geocoding possibilities)

Of course, its all their copyright, but it's free (gratis) and would
be a great resource for testing.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Brian Quinion
> Hi,
> I'm currently doing some work trying to generate postcode location
> data for the UK using address lists and address lookup using OSM data
> to supplement NPE.  So far it seems to work quite well with the
> address lists that I have available to me (and coping quite well with
> ambiguous road names) but I'm limited in my data sources and most of
> the address data is fairly consistent in both format and quality.
> So, before I open the interface to the public, I'd like to test the
> code with some lists provided by other people.
> Does anyone have, or know of, any address lists that I would be able
> to use for this purpose?  Obviously it needs to be license compatible
> with OSM (so please no lists generated from royal mail postcode data!)
> and ideally I'm after data sets containing at least:
> street address (house name / number optional)
> town / city
> postcode
> formatted as CSV or TSV.  I'm specifically not after data containing
> the names of individuals.
> Has anyone got any suggestions, or is willing to offer any data?  Even
> personal address books would be useful for testing...
> Cheers,
> --
>  Brian
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