I would like to announce that the fine city of Kingston Upon Hull (Hull 
to its friends and 'Ull to its locals) has all its public roads and many 
of its amenities completed.  Almost all of the city was mapped by Jean 
and me by driving or walking around it.  We have taken about 10,000 
photos (my camera rolled its number over about a month ago) and visited 
every single public road in the city.  We've added schools, cemeteries, 
pubs, allotments, parks and some shops all by visiting them with a GPS 
and camera - the Y! images are only lo-res and have been useful only for 
large scale stuff like some railways, waterways and the docks.

We have seen the city in a new light - some of it is run down, but much 
of it is doing very nicely. I have enjoyed the experience greatly 
(though some housing estates have been a bore) and now I look forward to 
helping complete the East Riding of Yorkshire next year.

The latest map is:

Our blog of the experience is:
http://chris-osm.blogspot.com/ which also is on the planet-osm digest. 


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