On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Steve Hill<st...@nexusuk.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, Nicholas Barnes wrote:
>> Should, for example, the component ways making up the roundabout be
>> grouped in their own "I'm a roundabout" relationship?
> Do we need to be able to tell which ways are part of a roundabout anyway?
> I mean, on the ground a roundabout is just a one-way circular road with
> some other roads coming off it - there isn't really anything special about
> it that makes it a roundabout.
> The only use of an explicit "I'm a roundabout" tag/relation that I can
> immediately think of is to make driving directions more human-readable
> (i.e. "At roundabout, take the 3rd exit").  In this case it may be better
> for the data user to use some heuristic, much as we do ourselves when we
> look at a piece of road.  e.g. If there is a closed (clockwise in
> the UK) one-way loop with a diameter of less than X metres then consider
> it a roundabout when generating human-readable driving directions.
> Using this kind of heuristic would also have the advantage of setting an
> application-specific upper bound to the size of a roundabout - when
> roundabouts get beyond a certain size then it is probably better for
> sat-navs to go back to the usual "take the next left" driving directions
> instead of "take the 7th exit".

I disagree - I've come across town-centre one-way systems that are
smaller than some large out-of-town roundabouts. There is a clear
distinction between them in the way they are signed  - e.g. using a
"roundabout ahead" warning triangle, so we should in fact record which
are roundabouts and which are just circular oneway streets, since they
are in fact different on the ground.


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