On Tue, 3 Dec 2013 21:36:03 +0000
Robert Norris <rw_nor...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> An interesting question is how much? (Compared to the Hants CC).
> There is http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Hampshire/Rights_of_Way
> but that was last updated over 2 years ago :(

I used to update page manually each month but lost interest during the
whole licence change saga. :(

> I suspect in terms of raw highways it's mapped>98%.
> In terms of designation these are quite well tagged, I can only
> hazard a guess maybe as much as 66%.

A quick comparison of HCC's numbers with the latest Geofabrik
Hampshire extract yields the following:

51%  designation=public_footpath
60%  designation=public_bridleway
58%  designation=restricted_byway
111% designation=byway,public_byway,byway_open_to_all_traffic

The OSM extract includes the cities of Portsmouth and Southampton
as well as bits of other counties near the border but it's probably
good enough to get a feel for current progress.

> Some of the 'Green Lanes' (ex Roads Used as Public Path?) are a bit
> mysterious - (seemed to be called 'Public Ways' in West Sussex
> speak). These don't seem appear in OS Locator or OS Streetview, nor
> are they covered by the ROW datasets. It's not clear to me where the
> designation of care lies with these or the legality of using them
> (especially in terms of Cycling).

Public roads? Around here there are a number of unmetalled tracks that
appear in Hampshire's maintained highways list and are drawn on an OS
Explorer map as green dots.


Andy Street

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