Hi Chris

Would it be possible to somehow use this data with the building
outlines from OS OpenMap?. I know that data is somewhat
simplified/generalised, but maybe combined together we could get an
idea of how the simplified shapes from OS OpenData are terraced and
even get their heights. I'm not talking about an import, but an
imagery layer with both combined somehow.

I've used OS and OSM data combined to produce free scenery for flight
simulators http://world2xplane.com/2015/03/30/gb-pro-scenery/. (I've
used OpenStreetMap for other countries for great effect, but the UK
data lacks detail). Despite the simplified data, I've used various
simple algorithms and rules to try and terrace the buildings
automatically (It doesn't need to be 100% accurate for the
flight-sim), and the results have given realistic looking UK towns and
cities. For my next version of the scenery, I'm going to use this data
to also get the correct building heights (my subtracting the height
from the land mesh underneath). Perhaps this effort could be useful
for OSM in some way.



On 25 September 2015 at 23:03, Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net> wrote:
> I've had a go at extracting the height of buildings from the Environment
> Agency LIDAR, and it seems possible.
> I loaded the EA data into a database and found all the height points within
> the polygon of an existing building outline. The highest value is the height
> of the building. From that I could (haven't yet) create a file of changes to
> add the height to each building. One thing that causes a problem is a tree
> near a house as it can create a higher point than the house.
> Using this would be an import and would need to go through the import
> declaration process IMO. I have also thought about creating an editor
> overlay to show the heights so they can be added manually. It's more work
> and I think it's still really an import, but checking each height as it gets
> added should spot anomalies.
> I'm going to tidy up the process and write it up in detail as a blog post
> over the next few days so anyone else can try it out too.
> --
> Cheers, Chris
> user: chillly
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