I corrected a couple the other day. One labelled place=farm cannot have
been a farm for a hundred years or more, just retaining "Farm" in the name.
It is in the urban part of Oakham, and is now a family house with a large

In general place=farm & place=isolated_dwelling can be regarded as
incorrect mapping more or less anywhere in the UK. I'd just about accept
the latter for Bron-yr-Aur (
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/368956264/history), but in most cases
cartographic choices about labelling farmsteads and outlying houses are
just that and can safely be left to suitable post-processing steps. In the
vast majority of cases (i.e., not Poultry Houses) the most suitable tag is

I re-tag when there are a lot in an area I am editing.


On 13 September 2016 at 13:58, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 13/09/2016 13:29, Dave F wrote:
>> There's been an increase (world wide) in the use of place=farm.
> ...
>> The reason for the increase could be it being displayed in the OSM carto
>> rendering
>> Just one example: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4364588497
>> I believe many, if not all, are misinterpretations & should be
>> landuse=farmyard.
> I'd agree with that.
> The wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Farm says "a place named by a
>> name of a farm"
>> To me, that means a collection of houses not associated with the farm
>> being collectively given the name of that farm, so in effect, a hamlet has
>> been named, say, Manor Farm.
>> Is that a common occurrence? I know of no such in my locale.
> I can think of a couple of places near me that might qualify at a real
> stretch (http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/372460251 is one such) but the
> vast majority are names blindly copied from OS OpenData StreetView**,
> without any thought being given to whether the place is a "just a farmyard"
> or "actually a place" (or even if it is a working farm at all - many are
> historical names on OS OpenData, and are now just residential properties).
> Similar examples are "place=locality" and "place=isolated_dwelling" (for a
> laugh try searching for those and seeing just how un-isolated some of those
> are) - they seem to have gone from the OS OpenData to OSM via the user's
> hands, keyboard and mouse without the user's brain being involved in the
> process.
> As I'm coming across these when out and about I'm tidying them up* where
> there is a more appropriate tagging, but there are an awful lot still to
> do.  I tend to use the fact that a large number of "place=farm" and
> "place=isolated_dwelling" exist as an indicator that somewhere needs
> visiting and mapping properly.
> ... and yes, I have tried suggesting to the biggest culprit locally that
> "there's no way that that is a valid name", to no avail.
> Cheers,
> Andy
> * see e.g. http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/53.2689/-0.8386
> ** many "names" on OS OpenData aren't names at all (for example, search
> for "poultry houses" in OSM and you'll get lots of things "named" that).
> Where I live the OS has 5 village names for where I live; the correct
> number is at most 2.
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