On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 7:18 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 04/03/2015 02:41 AM, stevea wrote:
> It seems to me that in the USA, what people think about OSM is one of
> these two:
> (a) A project for hackers and couch potatoes who trawl their county web
> pages and other sources to look for stuff they could "upload" to OSM
> (because it's such a big country and nobody could possibly, yadda yadda
> yadda)
> (b) A project for people who roll up their sleeves, travel to places of
> humanitarian crises, and help those in need by creating maps where the
> government hasn't done their job well.
Wow Frederik,

In your post related to one of your pet-peeves about the US OSM community
you managed to stumble across one of MY PET PEEVES!

Honestly I have a hard time with people who spend a lot of time on the
country specific mailing lists telling people that live, are from or often
travel to a specific country or area what OSM is to them. If I'm correct
you have never lived in the US, you have never spent significant time in
the US, you have no plans to move to the US or any other particular
interest, right? So why do you come over to talk-US and tell the people
that do all of those things what OSM should be to them?

If we want a free map of the entire world we should all be free to make our
own meaning out of OpenStreetMap. That is of course within the boundaries
of the license.


Someone who has mapped her neighborhood by hand, imported data and traveled
to places of humanitarian crisis all with OSM.  Additionally I live and am
from the US.


P.S. Specific to the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team and your suggestion
that it is mostly people from the US. That is simply not the case. HOT's
new current board is 7 people and only one is from the US. I also suspect
our contributors are more from a few countries in Europe than anywhere

> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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