On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 11:11 AM, Spencer Gardner <spencergard...@gmail.com>

> Hi all. Has anyone worked out a good tagging scheme for combined
> bike/parking lanes? I'm not sure how common they are elsewhere but there
> are a number of such facilities in my city.
> For reference, you can see an example here:
> https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=43.06056159&lng=-89.45121134&z=17&pKey=
> XByvWxyrk9quLK-noyoB5g&focus=photo&mapStyle=mapbox_streets
> Notice the bike lane sign above the speed limit sign and the cars parked
> on the side. These are also accompanied with pavement markings indicating
> it is a bicycle facility. In effect it's like a regular bike lane next to a
> parking lane, but there's no stripe to separate the two.

I think they just forgot to put the shoulder line down.
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