On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> http://www.remote.org/frederik/tmp/chdr.details
> A new list (CSV file) with way id, coordinates, and country/state/county
> information. I've eliminated all objects that have been reported to be
> ok, and plan to remove or change the names on these remaining ones. (To
> avoid misunderstandings: There's a column in the file that says what I
> plan to do, either "change to XYZ" or "delete", but that does NOT mean
> "delete the object", just "delete the name tag"!)

Thanks, Frederik, this makes things easier.

I'm getting started on the New York morass.

This evening, did the ways with ID's 5610940-5714662

New York has a big enough pile of ways that this probably
could use an OSM task. I don't think I'm going to have time
to finish in very short order.

I've been sweeping up some TIGER turds as I go. It's not
just renaming.

For what it's worth http://maps.nyc.gov/doitt/nycitymap/ is a clean
reference for the New York City boroughs.
The underlying data are all in NYC Planimetry, which
is effectively in the public domain as per Local Law 11 of 2012,
section 23-502

I used that to sort out some questionable TIGER 2017 data.


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