On 06/09/2018 01:56, Alan Brown wrote:
... I suspect the OSM community is not culturally disposed to that form of moderation. So I will ask about a different approach.

One thing the OSM community _is_ culturally disposed to is people trying things to see if they work, and in order to do there there's no need to do it on a planet-wide basis.

A place to start might be consuming diffs, and if you're looking for "something that processes diffs that is relatively easy to understand" then https://github.com/zverik/regional might be a place to start; an example of how that can be used is at https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/mod_tile/blob/zoom/openstreetmap-tiles-update-expire#L159 .  In that example "trim_osc.py" is called to remove data from a diff file based on geographical location prior to inclusion in a rendering database; you could create something similar based on some other criteria*. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:SomeoneElse/Ubuntu_1804_tileserver_load#Updating_your_database_as_people_edit_OpenStreetMap is the elevant bit of some "set up a tile server" instructions that call that; you could use those to create a tile server incorporating your filtering and see how it compared to "real OSM" after a few days.

Best regards,


* perhaps initially just a simple obscenity filter for place names, not withstanding that that won't catch e.g. things drawn with water and roads to form letters - I've seen a couple of those recently.

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