Simon Poole <> wrote:
> I think the question is less where N vs S California is but more if
> there is a regional split of California that would make sense from a
> processing pov. Is for example somebody likely to do something with a
> North-CA extract, or if you would want to do something on a smaller
> scale, would that clearly be at a county level. Frederik is likely to
> groan at that idea, but some how I suspect that CA county level extracts
> would be comparable with states in other countries.

Simon, I hear you, yet "processing" is what would happen data-wise after this 
split, yet it's also what Californians do in their brains when they hear of or 
think of "Northern"  vs. "Southern:"  we tend to think right around that 
"pretty close to straight line" (it's not, though it's darn close, and it looks 
straight on a larger-scale county map) we are all huddling around as "about" 
where the chop is or should be.  Remember, Frederik's ask is for a sensible 
methodology to break apart something that is now or soon "too big."  Basic 
computer science implies a binary "chop it in half" approach (for now, we can 
do this again, and again...), which is exactly what we're doing.

And, nothing stops anybody from "drilling down" to a county level (or deeper) 
if, as you say, they want to "do something smaller."

I'm a couple of counties away from SLO and know people who live there, work 
there and go to university there; SLO really is a "could go either way" case, 
which makes it a good place to at least start to define (beginning at the 
ocean) a "north-south boundary" of sorts (the only sort of binary chop that 
makes sense:  nobody realistically talks about "Western California" or "Eastern 
California" though "the coast" is both a useful demographic/population concept 
and a geographical reality, however, much fuzzier about "how far inland" is 
meant by "the coast").

Taken "straight across the state" (west to east), following the political 
boundaries of "the northern edges of three counties" (admin_level=6) to break 
up a state (admin_level=4), it's both easy (technically, simply "10 counties 
out of 58" or "northern edges of three counties"), agreeable by many, a 
political reality right now, mostly straight along a similar latitude line and 
already somewhat harmonious among the relatively small sample of people here on 
this list who have something to say about it.  (Not that we're definitive, nor 
am I, personally).  But, look, we did come to a rough consensus on a relatively 
simple solution rather quickly and easily.

I say "we've thrown it against the wall, and it seems to stick."  (Though of 
course, more discussion is welcome).

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