On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 1:18 PM Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The Michigan maps are lacking the information for state forest land.  I 
> > have noted that the Upper Peninsula does have some state and national 
> > forest areas, but there is much missing here in the Lower Peninsula.
> >
> > I have found the data on the State of Michigan website, and have 
> > successfully downloaded the shapefile for all state forest land.
> >
> > I would like to proceed with adding this data to OSM, with the help of 
> > experienced editors.

I took a look at the data set, and we'd need to do some research
before importing on what the various "ManagementType" might correspond
to in terms of boundary=protected_area protect_class=* tagging.  In
addition, the data set has a large number of parcels where adjacent
parcels are identical except for FC_Key (intended to be a unique ID
for the parcel?), County and YOE.  (I don't know what YOE means - it
appears to be "Year Of" something - and there are dates in both the
future and the past, so I don't think it's "year of expiration").

In some cases, the dividing lines appear to be township and range
lines, but in many places, they're too irregular to be simple PLSS
lines and aren't meander lines either, so I suspect they simply
represent former lot boundaries.  Most parcels appear to be about
three sections in size, and given that they're consistently elongated
in an E-W direction, may simply be consecutively numbered sections.
(If you don't know what township, range and section mean in this
context, read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Land_Survey_System).

Given the large number of parcels that are named alike, we probably
need to look at coalescing adjacent ones. I suspect the division is
just to keep accounting straight for parcels that were acquired at
different times or from different former owners, and not something we
ought to be replicating in OSM.

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