Dear OSM community,

I've been mapping Moundsville, WV nowadays (one of my friends live there so i chose that location). I'm ottwiz on OSM ( from Hungary. Sometimes i didn't know how to publish imports correctly  from it has CC-0 with waiver license), because i never imported anything. I already talked in US slack, and they saw no problems with importing these data, just they warned me they can't be 100% accurate, because the "spider" bot takes the data from websites that publish their coordinates on a map, and sometimes it can be like 100-200 (or more) yards off the place. Without further ado, I only imported those which are 100% accurate. (checked on other maps, that's why, but of course there is some that is on correct position on Google, but not in this database, so i omitted those ones, because taking stuff from Google is not complying with OSM rules). I also put a "Taco Bell" store, which address is 103 Lafayette Ave, Moundsville, WV 26041. It's between two shops (which have 101 and 105 Lafayette Ave respectively), so it was easy to guess the location.

It's a thing that I already finished my importing, just someone told me if i didn't go to the location, I shouldn't use "survey" for source. OK, i got it. So, if nobody has any questions, i'd leave the already imported stuff alone(it's like 15 shops around Lafayette avenue, changesets which contain them: ;; , and open a case in the catalogue and a small wiki page that i did this import on OSM. Sorry, just this is my first import, so i didn't know i had to take these steps.


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