On Sun, Aug 30, 2020, 19:55 stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:

> .  And if it was historically a bunker, OSM should strive to tag this, I'm
> not exactly sure of the right mix of military=bunker and historic=yes
> flavors that might be absolutely correct, but something like those if not
> exactly those.  Though historic=ruins seems correct, too, so perhaps better
> than "yes."

Technically this and most of what the public refers to as military bunkers
aren't bunkers.

 Many of the larger ones are casemated Coast Artillery gun positions and
their magazines. These are protected to a degree better than a "bunker"
from above, but had openings to seaward to fire which had only
splinter-proof shielding, and these were not refuges for personel, so not
true 'bunkers', they were fighting positions.

Devil's Slide was a protected Fire Control post for Coast Artillery, and
included a radar. (One could almost classify the radar control point as a
bunker, as it had no windows nor fire ports, but again it's not a refuge.)


I am a member of the Coast Defense Study Group (cdsg.org) as well as OSM.
We study and seek to preserve these structures and the memories of those
who built and served in them. One of our members was recently authorized to
inspect Devil's Slide Reservation and reported on its current condition
(and history) in an illustrated article in our Coast Defense Studies
Journal. In addition to no-access signage it is gated and fenced. Tourist
Safety is dubiously best as most of the handrails and safety lines are gone
or deficient.

(The nice thing about touring these sites with CDSG conferences - aside
from knowledgeable companions - is that we negotiate "Authorized Persons
Only" access, for which we sign copious liability waivers, and we equip and
conduct ourselves appropriately for the expected hazards: hard hats or
better, construction boots (or sometimes wellies/waders!), gloves,
torches/flashlights, etc.)

// Bill
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