brendan barrett wrote:
> There's no need to chat to them about feeding data back as they are
> not going to maintain their data moving forward. They told me that
> they are going to switch to using data from the local mapping company
> (the same one Google Earth is getting its data from).

Truly terrible! I can think of nothing worse.

The South African Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) of 2000 
( gives every citizen the 
right to information held by the State at the cost of distribution! (eg 
the price of a blank CD).

Once the City of Cape Town licenses the data from Navteq / Teleatlas / 
BCX / Whoever this becomes NULL and void. Yes, GIS data is expensive to 
maintain, but it's absolutely vital for the functioning of a modern 
society and increasingly for online activities.

Brendan: can you find out more information? Who, What, How... and 
details of how this will effect the Promotion of Access to Information 
Act 2000 from the City of Cape Town.

/ Grant

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