Hello Frederik,

I used the Linux image from the Mono site which has all of the mono
components already included, so I'm not exactly sure what components are
needed. Do you have the latest version of Mono (1.2.6)?
The exception thrown looks like indicating that ToolTip:Hide isn't
implemented in Mono. I can perhaps comment out the code for showing/hiding
tool tips so that you can test it. Unfortunately this will have to wait,
because I have some problems with my home machine hard disk and will
probably have to reinstall Windows before continuing any developing (the
penalty of not doing regular system drive backup, I suppose).
If you manage to solve this some other way, please send me a note.


On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 11:30 AM, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Igor,
>    thanks for building a Linux version!
> On my machine (Ubuntu Gutsy) it starts up, but when I open a project,
> after displaying "Loading..." for a while, the program quits with the
> following message:
> ** (Kosmos.Gui.exe:29424): WARNING **: Missing method
> System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip::Hide(IWin32Window) in assembly
> /usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Windows.Forms/,
> referenced in assembly /tmp/Kosmos/Kosmos.Gui.exe
> I have the  libmono-winforms2.0-cil  package installed. Anything else I
> need?
> Bye
> Frederik
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