On 26/11/2008 16:56, Steffen Vogel wrote:
> As a user and mapper of OpenStreetMap, I often use OpenStreetBugs.
> Unfortunatly this project is quity poor in features like:
> - email notification
> - duplicate handling
> - user handling
> - attachements (pictures, links, etc...)
> - search
> - filters
> - reports, charts & statistics
> etc.
> Bug trackers like Bugzilla can cope with these requirements a lot
> better.
> What do you think about a migration of OpenStreetBugs to Bugzilla?
> Nevertheless OpenStreetBugs has a also some pros:
> - simplicity
> - integration in a slippy map and JOSM
> But I think it would'nt be hard to implement these pros to Bugzilla.
> I've already put a installation of Bugzilla to my Server
> (http://bugs.griesm.de) and I've done some testing around.
> Bugzilla is coded in perl. I've some basic perl skills. But I'm afraid
> thats not enough.
> Perhaps we can some more expierenced perl codes here in the community?
> A migration of the other bug trackers (http://trac.openstreetmap.org) to
> Bugzilla would ensure that we have projectwide unique Bug IDs.
> Small an new projects without a bug tracker could use this installation.
> I think this would lead us to a faster developement cyclus...
> It's just imagination..
> What do you think about it?

This is a very interesting insight. The ability to record, track status 
and so on of map problems in the same way as tried and tested bug 
systems seems like an excellent one IMO.

I think the key thing is to retain the ease of use (no registration, 
point at map etc) to report problems, but the consumers of those reports 
can easily cope with a proper change control system.

So I wonder whether the easy way to do this would be for OSB or a 
similar front end to submit a report to a tracking system behind the 
scenes. Most such systems allow for custom fields, so we could also have 
lat/lon  and the front end could query the tracking system to display 
live data.

Just a thought - there isn't already a change tracking system for 
geographical data out there is there, or an add on or plugin for an 
existing system?


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