On Wednesday 10 December 2008 12:04:13 you wrote:
> >  In your country, perhaps. In my country, that's EXACTLY what
> > the address is.
> > The address is the street and distance from the street's
> > starting point, in
> > metres.
> What happens if two houses are built facing each other on opposite
> sides of the street? Wouldn't they get assigned the same number? Or
> does someone arbitrarily decide which is closer and increase or
> decrease one of the numbers by 1?
 Hmm, strange country you live in if houses are 1 metre wide, houses here are 
usually 10 metres wide. And each side of the street has even or odd numbers, 
although unusual (I can't think of any such street at this moment) it's 
possible to have them mixed. Each house has an assigned number, which I think 
can be chosen by the owner (I don't know exactly when it's chosen, and 
whether it can be changed, or how easily), that number is within the range 
the house occupies.
 What's also important, is the usage. It is very common to say "Alem Avenue 
1200" to refer to a corner or the block face that has the range 1200-1299. 
Using "Alem Avenue and San Juan Street" is unusual unless both are well known 
streets. Each city block is 100 metres by 100 metres, so counting blocks is 
helpful if there are no signs on the corners and houses don't have numbers on 
the front (or they are not easily visible from a car), which is not uncommon, 
in fact I used this method of finding a house just last week. Mighty 
convenient, let me tell you :)

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