Mike wrote:

> Also - for what it's worth - I find that I use both Potlatch
> and JOSM but
> for different tasks. I use JOSM as my main editor and for doing
> bulk work on
> new routes. I find Potlatch is better for doing minor tweaks
> and also for
> Yahoo tracing (even with the JOSM plugins, the rectification
> seems better on
> Potlatch - or am I just imagining this?!).

Same here. JOSM for main editing when I've uploaded new traces.
Potlatch for minor tweaks and Yahoo tracing. Although I have taken
to then loading any area where I've Yahoo traced buildings back into
JOSM to use the Orthogonalize facility. 

I've not been able to get the Yahoo JOSM plugin working for a while,
but gave up trying as I too felt the rectification always seemed
better in Potlatch.


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