Andres Kaaber <andres.kaaber <at>> writes:

> Hi all
> I'm participating in a project that needs to monitor the growth of straw.
> Area under monitor is not very big (around one lake), I have to get data 
> differences yearly. There are a lot of different types of straw. Data 
> gathering 
> occours once a year.
> My idea is that I put up my own server for this? I have to mark differently 
> different kind and with different condition straw.
> Is it somehow possible to query data from "past" / history. Like data with 
> year tag 2008 or smt. for statistics? Do I have to keep the yearly data in a 
> diferent database?
> or is OSM good for this kind of project at all?

I suggest using traditional GIS for your project. Make a new map layer for each
year, split your research area to areas according to straw type, add the
condition as attribute etc.  If you want to use open source software instead of
ArcGIS, MapInfo or the like, have a try with QGis, uDig or OpenJUMP, GRASS or
something.  Basic work can be done with any of them but commercial programs tend
to have better tools for creating good looking diagrams and reports.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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