On Jun 22, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Ivan Garcia wrote:

> Hi Russ, well, I think we cannot use the general talk list because  
> we want to talk in vietnamese, same than talk-es talk in Spanish  
> even they have also an small community.

Ah!  Well, of course you should talk in Vietnamese!  You can plan  
around the mapping party well enough.  To keep the list's momentum  
going, talk about real-world things, like State of the Map (e.g. the  
Vietnamese guy who's going on a grant), or suggest that people join  
the OpenStreetMap Foundation, or post notes about the mapping you're  
doing, or anything about Vietnamese maps that anybody else is working  
on.  The best way to keep a list going is to import information.   
Otherwise the list descends into silence, or worse, introspective meta- 

I met a guy this weekend at a bike shop (Bikes @ Vienna); an older  
black fellow.  His ears perked up when he heard me talk about  
mapping.  Turns out that he was in the Navy during the Vietnam War,  
and was a photointerpreter.  The US military had zero maps of Vietnam,  
and had to make them by overflying the entire country (which must have  
been ... entertaining ....), and tracing the photos just like we're  
doing now.

I wonder if you could get those photos or even the maps via a FOIA  

Russ Nelson - http://community.cloudmade.com/blog - 
r...@cloudmade.com - Twitter: Russ_OSM - 

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