On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:58 PM, John Smith<delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Tue, 28/7/09, Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The solution depends on what problem you are trying to solve, if you are 
> trying to find attributes of a bridge or restrictions of a way, my suggestion 
> solves the restrictions of a way I'm not trying to solve attributes of a 
> bridge.

Well, if possible we should try and find a solution that solves both
problems. However, thus far this doesn't seem possible, and the
consensus does seem to be that restrictions of a way is of higher

But even for that, putting a node in an arbitrary location on a way
still seems inelegant to me.

> OSM doesn't store lines, it stores nodes, it stores ways and which nodes are 
> memebers of that way and it stores relations and which ways are members of 
> that relation.

A segment of a way is clearly a line between two points (nodes),
without inherent width (sure, it may be specified with width=*, but
it's not an inherent property of a way). Anyway, this is off topic.

What do you think of my suggestion? That the restriction should be
applied to the section of the way "that is indeed physically *under*
the bridge"?

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