2009/8/7 OJ W <ojwli...@googlemail.com>:
> sidewalks in villages - what to do?
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.172898&lon=-0.524788&zoom=18
> are they footpaths or are they road attributes?

IMHO generally it would be better to have all those things (like
lanes) mapped separatly, and the associate them with the street to
make clear that it is one way (because otherwise the datum that you
can cross / change anywhere is not present). The advantage is local
precision. You could map all the curves and corners, where the ways
widen and narrow, etc., what you can't by simply tagging one way and
tell than that this is in reality 3 ways with width a, b, c and
surface x y z. You could also micromap grass dividers, etc.

> How is routing going to know that you can cross the road if you're on
> a sidewalk footpath and there's another one 8m away across a
> residential road?

AFAIK that's an open question. IMHO this will have to be indicated by relations.

> Should you connect them to roads at each junction?

if you already map them unregarding that there is no proper data model
to represent them, then definitely yes.


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