I thought I'd spend some time on adding name:bo (i.e. in Tibetan) tags
for places in Tibet. I was thinking of copy-pasting the place names
from Wikipedia (guess that's ok), as my knowledge in Tibetan is just
as limited as everybody else's. It's just that I can't find a way to
enter Tibetan text. I tried Potlatch and Josm, but in both Tibetan
characters just show up as blank squares. There's at least one name:bo
tag in the database and it shows up ok in history and data views.

I can enter Chinese characters in Potlatch but not in Josm.

I'm running Fedora 11, Java 1.6.0_14, Josm 1788 and Firefox 3.5.2 and
Tibetan characters show up ok in firefox and on my command prompt.

Any suggestions?

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