2009/8/14 Colin Marquardt <cmarq...@googlemail.com>:
> 2009/8/13 Markus Lindholm <markus.lindh...@gmail.com>:
>> I thought I'd spend some time on adding name:bo (i.e. in Tibetan) tags
>> for places in Tibet. I was thinking of copy-pasting the place names
>> from Wikipedia (guess that's ok), as my knowledge in Tibetan is just
>> as limited as everybody else's. It's just that I can't find a way to
>> enter Tibetan text. I tried Potlatch and Josm, but in both Tibetan
>> characters just show up as blank squares. There's at least one name:bo
>> tag in the database and it shows up ok in history and data views.
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/244082116
> I suppose neither Flash (Potlatch) nor Java (JOSM) have access to a
> Tibetan font, so they display the square, as they are not using
> fontconfig or equivalent which provides the fonts to the rest of your
> system.
> When you copy some Tibetan text from Wikipedia into JOSM, save the osm
> file and look at it with an editor that knows Tibetan fonts, does it
> look okay?
> In that case, it should also be okay to upload the data.

Thanks. That worked quite well. Now Lhasa has a name:bo tag.


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