there is something better already

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Morten Kjeldgaard <>wrote:

> I realized when mapping today that it would be very useful to have a
> set of OSM status POIs that you could use to mark the status of the
> mapping at certain places.
> I find I sometimes have to skip roads, tracks or paths, because I am
> too tired, don't have time, or that I'm going at good speed downhill
> and don't want to stop. I've tried to make mental notes to return and
> map those missing roads at a later time but as time goes by, you tend
> to forget.
> It would be very useful to have a POI saying for example "unmapped
> highway/path etc. starts here". Then you could check out and select
> those points in your area, and they would serve as a reminder to you
> (or others coming along) that there's something here not yet mapped.
> These POIs would also serve as "bite-size" mapping projects if you're
> looking for quick things to do in your area.
> I guess there are other instances where an OSM status POIs would be
> useful.
> Cheers,
> Morten
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