I realized when mapping today that it would be very useful to have a  
set of OSM status POIs that you could use to mark the status of the  
mapping at certain places.

I find I sometimes have to skip roads, tracks or paths, because I am  
too tired, don't have time, or that I'm going at good speed downhill  
and don't want to stop. I've tried to make mental notes to return and  
map those missing roads at a later time but as time goes by, you tend  
to forget.

It would be very useful to have a POI saying for example "unmapped  
highway/path etc. starts here". Then you could check out and select  
those points in your area, and they would serve as a reminder to you  
(or others coming along) that there's something here not yet mapped.

These POIs would also serve as "bite-size" mapping projects if you're  
looking for quick things to do in your area.

I guess there are other instances where an OSM status POIs would be  


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