2009/10/5 "Marc Schütz" <schue...@gmx.net>:
>> But a) could be used as acceptable temporary solution until someone
>> with better information (like having aerial photography) remaps it as
>> b)
> Yes, this is basically what I wanted to say. Leave it to the mappers whether 
> they want to use a way or an area for a road.

it will be much harder to add this detail, if all areas are merged though.

> But with option (b) and a linear way you would have a gap next to the road. 
> In the case of landuse, this is not a problem in practice, but if there is a 
> place, there you need to insert artificial ways that are not there in 
> reality, just to get the connectivity between the two objects:
> http://osm.org/go/0JUKytHID--

which objects are you referring to? parkings usually have those ways
(for crossing the sidewalk) so they won't be artificial, and
pedestrian areas are the exception I mentioned above.


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