On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 2:13 AM, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm looking at some donated street centerline data that has addressing data
> in the form of "Right/Left From Addr" and "Right/Left To Addr" on each
> street centerline.

Can you identify the location of the Addr for the "From/To"?
If so it would be easy to calculate interpolation-ways right
and left of the streets using the Karlsruhe Schema.

> Is there an accepted way of applying these tags to the
> road ways?

No, only in applying it to houses next to the street and special
ways connecting next to the street for interpolating whole
streets of house-numbers at once.

> It doesn't really make very much sense to create and store a
> separate way just for the addressing information.

I disagree here because of the hundrets of special cases
that absolutely must be handled to be correct that come
from the fact that houses are not usually build in the middle
of a road.

> ...but I might have arrived too late in the argument to say that :-)...

Yes, you are. ;)

I`m not reading the talk-US but as you crossposted there, so do I.
Please let me know of yet another addressing-schema comes
that is in actual usage to make sure my address-search does
work on all the planet.


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