On 07/12/09 14:16, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Nick, Oleg,
>      thank you for answering.
> I'm quite surprised that you are working directly from the API. Nick writes:
>> The server is actually quite responsive for POIs - maybe its because
>> node queries are faster than way queries and because the bboxes are
>> generally very small (equal to a few tiles).
> I can imagine that the server is responsive enough if you query for a
> simple POI, or a number of them. But to the best of my knowledge, the
> 0.6 API has no call that lets you retrieve only nodes in a certain bbox.
> So do you initially do a slow "give me everything in this bbox" call and
> simply discard ways and relations?

A call to get only points is certainly something we could add and it 
would certainly save quite a bit of work on the server over the normal 
map call and hence hopefully speed things up.

>> around conflicts though.  An alternative is to speed up the main OSM
>> server - this is good because then everyone in the community benefits
>> (eg Potlatch and other editor users) and mainly because it reduces
>> issues around conflicts.  If we ended up doing a CM XAPI, we'd open up
>> access to anyone who wanted to use it anyway, so other editors and
>> mappers could benefit.
> There's surely a lot of potential benefits for the community at large in
> there. I think the OSM admins may already have the idea of replication
> on their radars, where read requests are fulfilled from a different
> server than the writes go to. I don't know if that would be a
> replication on the Postres level or on the application level.

Well TRAPI already exists for the purpose of providing efficient read 
only access to the data for an area.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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