On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 4:24 AM, Craig Wallace <craig...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> GPSBabel does have various options for editing tracks, though they are
> not all available in the GUI (some of them are, click the "Filters" button).
> eg to merge multiple files, just specify them all as inputs. And there
> is a simplify filter.
> You can also extract parts of tracks based on time etc.
> Some more details here:
> http://www.gpsbabel.org/htmldoc-1.3.6/Advanced_Usage.html
> http://www.gpsbabel.org/htmldoc-1.3.6/filter_track.html

Ah, so it does. It makes it very easy to merge multiple tracks, split
them by day, and simplify. So maybe I'll have to get used to
pre-processing like this. Maybe I should request a "privacy filter"
feature that automatically deletes any points within a hundred metres
of various locations you specify.

>> - JOSM: promising, but JOSM is always very slow on my machine, and I
>> can't figure out how to edit gpx traces directly, other than
>> converting them to data layers first. not sure if this will solve all
>> my needs. I do like the colour highlighting though.
> Have you tried the EditGPX plugin? It automatically converts the tracks
> to a separate EditGPX layer to allow editing, and converts back to GPX.

Yeah, that's with the EditGPX plugin. I don't get how it's supposed to
work. The traces aren't clickable, and I don't understand what the
"GPXedit" layer is supposed to do (distinct from the layers for the
individual traces). Couldn't find any doco either.
> MapSource has some options for track editing. First, make sure you have
> a fairly recent version. There are options on the toolbar for track
> draw, erase, select, join, divide. And you can simplify tracks (right
> click on the track, then Track Properties -> Filter).
> You can also have several MapSource windows open and copy and paste
> between them.
> I have found MapSource can be a bit slow at opening large GPX files, but
> its usually OK once they are open. I have noticed that if you save the
> track as a GDB file it loads much quicker in MapSource.

Ok, will have another look, thanks.


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