Steve Bennett wrote:
> Yeah, that's with the EditGPX plugin. I don't get how it's supposed to
> work. The traces aren't clickable, and I don't understand what the
> "GPXedit" layer is supposed to do (distinct from the layers for the
> individual traces). Couldn't find any doco either.
If you look on the plugins tab under Preferences quite a few plugins 
including EditGPX have a 'More Details' link.
For EditGPX it links to describing 
features and usage.

It is quite limited, just allowing you to delete sections of your track 
and anonymize timestamps but I do find it quick and easy to use.

Having said that I have only ever used it with one trace at a time. I 
just tried it with multiple traces and it does seem to get a bit 
confused. Once you edit one trace you don't seem to be able select 
another one to edit until you restart JOSM. I'll submit a trac ticket.


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