I have just got an Android phone too and was thinking of doing some work on
simplifying the Vespucci user interface (I'm just learning how the UI system
works on Android first....still can't get the camera to work properly...).
I see the main improvements that would be useful are:

   - A 'one click' (probably one long click) 'add a node' option that takes
   you straight to the tag editor, so that you can add POIs easily.
   - A more general simplification of the UI (haven't thought of the details
   - (less important) improvements to the map rendering, or possibly using a
   pre-rendered base image.

Generally I think that vespucci is about there as a simple editor, it just
needs some UI development.
This might be a nice student project for Google Summer of Code?

The other Android (or J2ME too) application that I think would be useful
would be a 'mapping tool' application - something very simple to record GPS
traces and let you take geotagged photos and audio clips with just a single
key press - again there are applications that let you do this, but I have
not seen any that are very simple to use, and I like very simple!


On 23 February 2010 14:36, Nick Whitelegg <nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk>wrote:

> Firstly thanks for the replies regarding a tile generator using the Mapnik
> OSM plugin - looks like there's a little bit of interest so I might start
> work on it.
> The other thing I have in mind to do is a POI collector for Android
> devices. I seem to remember there being an interest in this before
> Christmas when the Mapzen collector for the iPhone was launched - and I've
> just got hold of an Android phone (HTC Hero) and fancy having a play.
> Would there still be interest in this? What I'll probably do is work on
> both apps - time permitting - but prioritise the one which has the most
> current interest.
> Thanks,
> Nick
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