On 23 Feb 2010, at 13:00 , Graham Jones wrote:

> I have just got an Android phone too and was thinking of doing some work on 
> simplifying the Vespucci user interface (I'm just learning how the UI system 
> works on Android first....still can't get the camera to work properly...).  I 
> see the main improvements that would be useful are:
>       • A 'one click' (probably one long click) 'add a node' option that 
> takes you straight to the tag editor, so that you can add POIs easily.
>       • A more general simplification of the UI (haven't thought of the 
> details yet).

I am still new to Android, seems a lot applications lack the simple one click 
or one long click -> do something feature

>       • (less important) improvements to the map rendering, or possibly using 
> a pre-rendered base image. 

I think better is a potlatch/josm/google maps like feature to use different 
layers for background. maybe some code can be reused from some  other 

> Generally I think that vespucci is about there as a simple editor, it just 
> needs some UI development.  
> This might be a nice student project for Google Summer of Code?
> The other Android (or J2ME too) application that I think would be useful 
> would be a 'mapping tool' application - something very simple to record GPS 
> traces and let you take geotagged photos and audio clips with just a single 
> key press - again there are applications that let you do this, but I have not 
> seen any that are very simple to use, and I like very simple!

OSMtracker on WM is a good example. 
On Android My Tracks, Camera can be used but task switching too complicated. 
All in one app is a good idea. Havn't found any app yet which records HDOP 
values in the gpx track. My Tracks shows it on screen but doesn't record.

> Graham.
> On 23 February 2010 14:36, Nick Whitelegg <nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk> wrote:
> Firstly thanks for the replies regarding a tile generator using the Mapnik
> OSM plugin - looks like there's a little bit of interest so I might start
> work on it.
> The other thing I have in mind to do is a POI collector for Android
> devices. I seem to remember there being an interest in this before
> Christmas when the Mapzen collector for the iPhone was launched - and I've
> just got hold of an Android phone (HTC Hero) and fancy having a play.
> Would there still be interest in this? What I'll probably do is work on
> both apps - time permitting - but prioritise the one which has the most
> current interest.
> Thanks,
> Nick
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