n Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 4:09 AM, Gervase Markham <gerv-gm...@gerv.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to render a map of about a square mile or so of the town of
> Bromley, in Kent, for the information sheet for my wedding in August
> (yay!).
> http://osm.org/go/0EEBWURG
> I want to make the map, then remove a few bits which I don't need and
> add stuff to it like bigger labels on some important POIs like the
> church and the nearest station. I want it to look professional.
> This is just the sort of thing OSM should be good for, or so I hope :-)
> My first effort involved an SVG export of the Mapnik image from the main
> website. This is pretty good; the only problem is that the roads are
> unnecessarily narrow and so the road names are small and hard to read.
> I'd like pretty much that map, except with wider roads and bigger text.
> It would take an age to change it all manually in the SVG. What are my
> options for a custom render?
> - Mapnik: requires an incredible amount of setup, according to the wiki
>   page.
> - Osmarender: It's ugly. Sorry, but it is.
> - mapgen.pl: Same.
> - Kosmos: I'm on Linux, and it only really runs on Windows.
> - Cobra: development seems dead.
> - Cartagen: It does road labels square on, which I don't like.
> - Cloudmade: initially, this seemed really promising. They have a
>   variety of styles, and I probably could make
>   one with wider roads, but the Terms of Service are so long and
>   complex, and say "don't do anything with this data that isn't your
>   own personal use" about three times in different ways, so I assume I
>   can't use it.
> Any ideas? Is there an online service to which one can submit a Mapnik
> style sheet and get back a rendering of a small area?
I'm interested in this, too, because I want to draw OSM data in my car
computer as a sort of GPS satnav/realtime editor.

Dane (of Mapnik fame) suggested I use Mapnik with the OSM data plugin. That
cuts out the majority of the setup time due to PostGIS install and import of
OSM data.
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