"OSM is mostly a consensus-based community, or a do-ocracy. It was never a
benevolent dictatorship, and I have given up (as far as I know, anyway) all
power I..... "
Your hitting the nail on the head. I totally agree here. The replies are
also a bit true pointing to when someone is defined as poisonous.
Here comes the trick, when someone really has a different but maybe valid
point then he can both be poisonous and not poisonous. This totally depends
on what the guidelines are. Andy Allen is here very right IMHO.
You can have very valid points and be very right but if the guidelines tell
that the project is defined "red" and you think "blue" is better then when
you making this point time after time then you can be defined as poisonous
(even though you can even be right) as you are draining the community.

So I would love to see more guidelines. These guidelines should be
discussable (within terms). But then it becomes much easier to define the

[bit offtopic]
I don't want to go off topic but the whole discussion about the license is
IMHO *also* a bit caused by "the guys" leading it themselves.
The lack of clear reasoning and overview why what and where (humanly
readable in a decent location depending on the importance of the topic; so
home page of osm.org I would say) is missing. This topic is *all* about what
is from *"me"* and none understands what a license really is. I doubt even
that many don't even know why it really is needed. And now "you guys" are
telling that my data can be removed due to others not accepting a license
So sure this will spam the mailinglist without an end. Such a change must
IMHO be informed better. (yes I read many documents/page already about this
Note: This is not meant a bashing or blaming anyone but as how I see the
current situation on the whole license change
[/bit offtopic]

Note: I totally not believe in an anarchy. The team pyramid can be very low
and low level but there must be a lead IMHO.
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