On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 19:29:47 Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> Andrew Errington wrote:
> > That's exactly what he did.  So what else is he supposed to do?  Perhaps
> > the wiki should be edited to state "don't bother making graphical
> > suggestions because the system is too unwieldy now and we dare not
> > change it".
> No-one has said that. There is an active effort to change it, as Tom
> pointed out:
> [quoting Tom]
> | The problem is that the original XML stylesheet is all but impossible
> | to edit which is why it is being redeveloped in carto and preparations
> | are being made for deployment of that redeveloped version.
> Please don't use unnecessarily pejorative language like "we dare not" and
> thereby denigrate those who _are_ working hard to do something about it.

It's hyperbole, but I apologise.  My point is there is nothing to say that 
implementation of any suggestions will be stalled for a while because a new 
system is under development.  Not everyone reads the mailing list, and those 
who do may not remember that someone mentioned OSM Mapnik is fiddly, and a 
new, better, system is being worked on.  It would seem that the typical, 
well-meaning user enters a request and sees nothing happening, and that is an 

Best wishes,


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