On 24.04.13. 16:48, Liz Barry wrote:
I quickly put the logo side by side with the attribution mark. I feel it
is clearly of the same family, linked by

 1. the shape of the folded map
 2. the color grey in the magnifying glass handle

i uploaded the JPG to twitter --

What do you think?

I disagree. Branding is serious issue.

Although suggested attribution mark fulfills usability requirements it is not alike current OSM log and surely is not suitable for brand logo replacement.

I also do not recommend using any new attribution mark before brand is established. That would just make a confusion. It is better to leave things as they are until visual identity of the OpenStreetMap brand is established.

If there will be a change it should start with branding. When that is done, and done well, brand logo would surely do the job as attribution mark.

One more thing, brand logo does not have to have a meaning (like looking as map and magnifying glass). Brand logo may be meaningless as such but get its meaning from brand itself. What is most important for a brand log is to be easily recognized as such and usable in all situations.

My guess is that for OpenStreetMap it is best to play with full name and OSM as base for a logo than using detailed graphical elements such are map and magnifying glass for simple reason - details cannot survive low resolution.

And finally, creating logo should be left to people who know how to do it, and who are able to offer ideas that are applicable.

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