First off, I hope this is the right place to ask mapping questions - otherwise could you suggest the best mailing list please.

I am doing some mapping along the Interstate 5 in California based on my own notes and data collected. What I keep on finding is elements on OSM which don't seem to exist in reality. For example:

1. Kettleman Station: This appears to be some sort of industrial installation - why would it be marked as a hamlet? Both the Bing satellite imagery and a peak at Google Streeview confirm that there are no residences in the area.

2. All across these fields: there are numerous roads - some of them even with names and/or codes. On satellite view they appear to be nothing more than dirt tracks at best - some of them not even that. When I was there a month ago, those were just empty barren hills. I don't quite understand why the maze of highways giving the impression of some densely populated area.

Along the I5 there seem to be numerous examples like the above. Is there some element of local knowledge that escapes me - and those features actually exist?

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