is there a JOSM plugin to assist with duplicate ways?

We have been given explicit permission to use a good data set of shapefiles 
that define boundaries for the OSM.

Using JOSM, my method is to select the shapefile relation for a particular 
National Park for instance then merge the selection into the OSM Data Layer. 
Often a replace geometry is needed on many polygons to help preserve the 
history. Add all the tags to the relation. 

Then the hard part….
You have to cut up and conflate the new boundaries with the existing data. 
All the duplicate overlying ways need to be selected, nodes entered, nodes 
merged and joined at the end, boundary and nodes selected where split is 
performed, remove extra over lapping ways to generally leave one, add that one 
left to this or another relation. Add more tags as needed.
Then selection each relation that was affected and view the result to see if it 
is complete.

In some areas there are likely to be National Parks and other protected areas, 
forestry areas, etc all adjacent to each other with boundaries that meet.

Another method I use is to split up the relation before merging piece by piece 
but is just as complex.

Another method is to leave the overlapping ways for someone else to sort out.

In some relations there may be 30 or so adjacent polygons with ways partially 
overlapping so is a lot of work that I think would be ideal for plugin 
assistance and efficiency. 
It seems to me that if one relation is selected at a time, it should be a task 
able to be mostly automated by programming. Then it would be up to the mapper 
to verify and quality control the result.

I am a new user to QGis and wonder if the splitting and conflating of the 
shapefile to be merged can be done in QGis prior to introduction to JOSM and 
then would only need to sort out areas between adjacent relations. 

Is it best not to bother doing this anyway or even preferable to leave all the 
polygons as individual entities with overlapping ways?

Finally, I should add that I do try to add small discreet areas and relations 
one at a time that are manageable before proceeding. 


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