On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 04:03:41PM +0100, Dave F wrote:
> On 26/05/2017 14:43, Florian Lohoff wrote:
> >
> >Instead of complaining and continuing the bullshit - close it? Its a
> >single click - easy as it is ...  We want the feedback and the barrier
> >should be low - accept a bad signal to noise ratio - dont take notes
> >with a number as serious ...
> You still don't get it. it's not just one note. The noise is
> oppressive. Why be against fixing something which really doesn't
> work as originally intended?

Does it? I still cant see that it does not work as intendet. It was
basically an integration of the former separat built OSMBugs. That
was integrated and by naming it Notes the scope was widened. That
was IMHO very intentional as the entry barrier should be really low.

We had other users of OSM Data which had similar feedback mechanisms
which were a lot worse in their signal to noise ratio - OSM Notes
for me is a very valuable tool and i dont see the problem.

If nonsensical notes come up i'll close them - its that easy.

You cant do that in a one-man-show for whole of Germany or Europe
but typically i watch a region of 500K residents and the number
of obscure and nonsensical notes is negligible.

The bigger problem i have with notes is Mappers closing them
without commenting whether they did something and what. So every
note from me which get closed i reopen in Josm and check what has
been done.

Even when i close a nonsensical note i dont write 3.1415926 in them
but i write

"A pure number is without context and we cant interpret it to extent
or improve the map. If you habe more context what this number means
please reopen".

Costs me just 2 seconds but everyone involved understands why i closed
that bug and that its not a fight but the lack of context/information.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
             UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away

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