2017-06-22 17:49 GMT+02:00 Ben Discoe <bdis...@gmail.com>:

> Bizarrely, they went ahead and reverted my quality-improvement edits,
> which I suppose means that next time I'll need to do more research,
> discussion and education before committing this type of cleanup, to
> prevent this sort of pointless, inefficient thrashing of the database.
> I am not used to there being anyone to communicate with when I clean
> up large inefficient data (for example, the years I've spent cleaning
> up NHD, or the week spent on the Peoria's imported buildings and
> bloated woods) but in this case, it turns out there was someone, who
> got needlessly alarmed at my cleanup.

The same seems to hold for the cleanup you did in Holland, where you seem
to have missed further comments in this discussion about changeset 47241744
(an example was added by "de vries" of a case where you clearly lowered
geometric quality).

It's a mess to find where the local community talks, but in Holland there
clearly is someone to talk to.

Joost Schouppe
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