I get the feeling that we could collect some baseline data for these types of surveys.

I'm thinking of tools used to add data.  Streetcomplete, JOSM, iD, potlatch, the reason is the "Skill" level needed to use the tool.  ie since x% of edits are made by streetcomplete you may not need a PhD in cartography to add to the project.

I don't know if we record the Internet address of contributors and I wouldn't like to see the full address being made available but a country code might be useful.

Also the average life of a contributor.  I think we see some who contribute once to six times then disappear and that means they aren't available to survey.

Making this information available would hopefully at least mean more relevant questions.

Ideally we could run our own three/six monthly survey to collect baseline data but setting it up and getting a representative sample is hard work.

Cheerio John

Tobias Knerr wrote on 2019-03-23 7:41 AM:
On 23.03.19 12:05, John Whelan wrote:
You posted the same message in the HOT mailing list.
The same message was also sent to personal mail addresses of OSM
contributors yesterday, presumably scraped from mailing list archives.

Additionally, it was posted to several other lists on the lists.osm.org
server – including ones where it is quite off-topic, like the mostly
dead "party" list¹.

Overall, this is the 5th time I'm receiving a copy of this questionnaire
link. I can't help but feel we need to encourage a better approach for
polling the OSM community. Preferably one that also involves some
feedback from people with OSM experience before the survey is sent out.


¹ https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/party

talk mailing list

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