On 9/1/19 09:50, joost schouppe wrote:

Op vr 30 aug. 2019 13:15 schreef Oleksiy Muzalyev <oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch <mailto:oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch>>:

    I think in future when there will be more space on servers it
    would be a
    good idea to add a possibility to attach an optional image to a
    note for
    the registered users.

Images are a really useful addition to a written Note. But it could be handled without having to host the actual images. A user interface could just upload them somewhere, and add the url to the note.

It certainly could be done like this. Though there will be more clicks for a note. I do not remember the exact statistics figures, - something like each excessive click drops about 20% of potential users. That is why organizations, which could afford usability studies, implement various "one-click buying" solutions.

Images could be uploaded and stored on a separate server. There will be no other connection to production serves except HTML IMG tags in notes. An image file size could be limited at first to say 100 KB. Even if an attacker manages to pass the security filters and upload a pseudo-image file with a malicious code (what is unlikely) nothing dramatic would happen. There will be no images in notes for several hours until the OS is reinstalled on the server and the files restored from a backup.

I was recently asked to participate in mapping of a small town in a region several thousand kilometers from my location. I could not understand what kind of threes they have there. Are they broad-leaved or needle-leaved, - I could not see it from satellite images. There were no photos in its Wikipedia page. I could neither see what type of paths they have. One or two 100 KB survey-style photos would be enough.

ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1-Click



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