You and Alexandre are correct that Google does not (usually) allow you to
use their data off of their platform. According to Google's Terms, you
usually cannot use just the data and not the tile server. Google does,
however, make exceptions for paying customers.

Mapbox also has a whitelabling option for customers to remove the logo from
Mapbox tiles. But again, we're talking about the tile service. It would be
quite reasonable for OSM to add a logo to the OSM tiles and make keeping
that logo on there a condition of using OSM tiles.
Separately, it *is* possible to use certain Mapbox data without using
Mapbox tiles. Mapbox employees have contributed to OSM for years. That data
belongs to Mapbox but is shared with the world through OSM and ODbL.
Attribution for that doesn't appear on-map unless the user is also using
Mapbox tiles.

The key difference between data and tiles is that one can use hundreds of
data sources in one map, but only one or a handful of service providers for
tiles, geocoding, etc. Both user expectations and reasonableness depend on


On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 5:01 AM Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> Am Mi., 29. Apr. 2020 um 04:05 Uhr schrieb Kathleen Lu <
>> I absolutely agree that looking at industry standard seems a good
>> indication of what is reasonable.
>> ...After researching this question, I found no commercial data provider
>> that required data attribution as prominently as the FAQ suggests. Industry
>> standard would suggest a *much* less strict interpretation of what is
>> "reasonable" under the ODbL.
> I do have an example that comes to mind: imagine you use Google Geocoding.
> This obligates you to use the results in the Google ecosystem, and this has
> the requirement to display a Google logo on the map.
> Another example would maybe be mapbox? If you use data they have
> transformed, you will have to put a mapbox logo on the screen.
> Cheers
> Martin
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